جوان خانه بنی هاشم!
دلم امشب و هر شب هوای تو دارد
و عاشقانه ترین لحظه ها را رقم می زند
تلخ و عاشقانه
بی مثال
اما سبک نیست
سنگین. به سنگینی هق هق آسمانی دلگرفته
چقدر نوشتن سخت است!
بدی دنیا آنست که باید واژه ها کنار هم بیاید و سر و سامان بگیرد
در این دنیای بی سر و سامان
چه چیز بی تو جای خود را دارد
واژه ها باید کنار هم بنشینند
مثل ما که نشسته ایم
بی خیال بودن یا نبودن باید که ایستاده باشیم
مرا ایستاده فرض کن!
به پاس تو محکم ترین کوه ها از شرم تو ایستاده اند.
افسوس که واژه انتظار هنوز در انتظار معنا شدن است
افسوس چه واژه هایی که تنها واژه ماند.
افسوس که محمد بزرگ با همه اصحابش مُرد.
و علی، فزتُ برب الکعبه
و فاطمه این واژه تاریخ را کَر کرد. هر آنچه بگویم هیچ نمی شنوند.
نمی گذارند به کوچه بنی هاشم سر بزنم.
و سر بر در خانه فاطمه ….
آه سلمان کاش جای تو بودم همه غم های مردن پیامبر را با دیوار و در خانه فاطمه می گفتم.
از فواید روزه ی این ماه حرام استفاده کنید.
امروز روزه گرفته بودم.
در اواسط روز در حالی که تلویزیون روشن بود، شنیدم که کسی گفت: خدا چگونه مشتری ما است؟ ما که خوب نیستیم.
گفت: استعداد زیاد برای خوب شدن و شبیه خدا شدن داریم. خدا، آن، را می خرد!!
بعد گفت: خدا ما را برای بهشت آفریده است. خود را ارزان نفروشید! خود را بدهید و بهشت را بگیرید. مواظب باشیم سرمان کلاه نرود!!
چه عظمتی دارد این سخن!!
آیا تا به حال به کنه آن فکر کرده اید؟ حال عجیبی به من دست داد!!
بعد با خودم گفتم: این حال از برکت روزه امروز است! این روزه گرفتن، واقعا چه چیز عجیبی است!! چه الهاماتی را نصیب بنده می کند! خدایا توفیق روزه گرفتن را به همه ما بده.
خدایا ما را به کنه معرفت خودت برسان!!!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
تکرار این مطلب که اشخاص مریض و مسافرها نباید روزه بگیرند، شاید برای این است که بعضی ها فکر می کنند روزه نگرفتن کار بدی است و با اینکه مریض یا در سفراند، اصرار در گرفتن روزه دارند. قرآن با ایت تکرار می خواهد بفهماند که روزه گرفتن برای اشخاص سالم است و مریض و مسافر هم در شرایط مناسب باید روزه را بگیرند.
ر آخر آیه می گوید با اینکه روزه سخت است و محدودیت هایی دارد، نتیجه اش آسایش مادی و معنوی است.
چون روزه برای سلامتی بسیار خوب است، هر که نتواند در ماه رمضان روزه بگیرد، بعد باید به همین تعداد روزها را روزه بگیرد.
روزه کامل به خلوص نیت و توجه به فلسفه ی روزه است.
The repetition of the ordinance of the sick and passenger in this verse and the previous one may be for the purpose that some people, think that not to fast is absolutely a disgraceful action, insist on fasting when they are sick or are on a journey, so the Qur’an, by this
repetition, makes the Muslims understand that fasting is a divine duty for the safe and sound persons while, in the same manner, not fasting is also a divine command for the sick and passengers (with their proper conditions) so that the offense of it is a sin
At the end of the verse, it pays attention to the philosophy of the divine lkinegislation of fasting once more, and says
“… Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire hardship for you
It points to this fact that although fasting is apparently a kind of strictness and limitation, its conclusion is ease and tranquility of man, both spiritually and materially
This sentence may hint to this matter that the Divine commands are not similar to the commands of tyrants. In the case that the fulfilment of an action is very laboursome, Allah enjoins an easier duty to be performed. Therefore, the ordinance of fasting, with all its importance, was exempted for the sick, passengers, and those feeble ones unable to perform it
Then, it adds
“…So you should complete the number (of days decreed
This means that every one who is safe should fast one month a year because it is necessary for his health. For this reason, if a person is sick or on a journey during the month of Ramadan, the one must belate the accomplishment of fasting those days until the same number is completed. Even menstruous women, who are excused from establishing prayers, are not exempted from fasting at a later date
So, in the final sentence of the verse, it says
“…and exalt Allah for His having guided you, and that haply you might be
grateful (to Him
Yes, we must exalt Allah for the guidances He has endowed upon us, and be thankful to Him for all those blessings He has mercifully given us
It is noteworthy that the act of thanksgiving is mentioned with the term ‘haply’, while the matter of exalting Allah is stated conclusively. This difference of statement may be for the reason that the fulfilment of this worship (fasting) is, at any rate, the exaltation of the Essence of Allah, but thanksgiving, which is the same as using the blessings in
their proper sites and taking benefit from the effects and practical issues of fasting, has some conditions which will not be fulfilled unless those conditions be obtained, the most important of which are: a perfect sincerity, the recognition of the reality of fasting, and acknowledgement about the philosophy of fast http://www.maaref-foundation.com/english/index.htming
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
“روزه گرفتن برای شما بهتر است اگر بدانید…”
روزه گرفتن مثل بقیه عبادات، چیزی به عزت خدا نمی افزاید بلکه همه ی سودش برای عبادت کننده است. پیامبر اکرم صلی الله علیه وآله فرمودند:
هر کس در ماه رمضان به خاطر خدا روزه بگیرد، همه ی گناهانش بخشیده خواهد شد.
از سنت های الهی نیز هست که خدا می گوید: روزه مال من است و خودم جزایش می دهم.
“… And it is better for you that you fast, if you did (only) know”
This meaning also refers to the fact that the worship of fasting, as other worships, does not add anything to the Glory and Dignity of Allah but all its merits are for the worshipper. Islamic traditions confirm the same meaning, too
The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) has said: ” He who fasts during the fasting month for the sake of Allah, all his sins will be
forgiven.” (1
It is also cited in a divine tradition that Allah says: ” Fasting is Mine, and I do reward it.” (2
Also, in another tradition it is narrated from the holy Prophet (p.h.u.h.) who said:” There is an alms for every thing, and the alms of bodies is fasting."(3
Hence, it makes clear that the phrase: “…it is better for you that you fast, …” addresses all those who fast, not only a particular group of them
The last verse of this group of verses introduces the time of fasting and a part of its ordinances and their philosophies. At first it says that those certain days that you must fast are the month of Ramadan, and
” The month of Ramadan is that wherein the Qur’an was sent down”
And this Qur’an is the same that is
“…to be a guidance for mankind, and as clear signs of guidance and a criterion (between right and wrong
Then again, the command for the passengers and the sick is restated and, as an emphasis, it says
“…Therefore, whoever of you is present (at his home) during the month, he shall fast therein, and whoever is sick or on a journey, he shall then (fast) the same number of other days
The repetition of the ordinance of the sick and passenger in this verse and the previous one may be for the purpose that some people, thing that not to fast is absolutely a disgraceful action, insist on fasting when they are sick or are on a journey,
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
یکی از جدی ترین اَعمال عبادی اسلام، روزه گرفتن است. روزه عاملی مهم برای تقویت روح پرهیزکاری است.
Fasting, the Origin of Piety
Next to several important ordinances of Islam stated in the former verses, these current verses refer to another ordinance, i.e. fasting, which is one of the most serious acts of worship. The Qur’an, with the same tone of emphasis that was applied for the previous verses, says
” O’ you who have Faith! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you
Then, immediately after this, it refers to the philosophy of this humanizing worship and, in a short but meaningful sentence, says
“… so that you may guard yourselves (against evil
According to what the Late Kolayny says in his famous book (Al-Kafi) , piety is rendered into one’s restriction from sin. Most sins originate from wrath and lust. Fasting brings the extravagance of this instinct under control, which, consequently, decreases corruption and increases piety.(1
Yes, fasting is a great effective factor in the process of training the spirit of piety in all dimensions of every field. This will be addressed in detail later
Since this worship is accompanied with deprivation from some material pleasures and one must suffer some troubles especially when it
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